Monday, July 11, 2011

Week of July 11 to 14

Hello, Students!

Welcome to a new week of English!!!
This is the plan for this week:

Monday, July 11th: We are going to review the present tense of be and do the exercises on pages 6 and 7. Then you are going to read the conversation and act it out using "look up and say". (I'll explain in class.) Then we are goin to see the alphabet. Do you know it? We are going to sing in class! Then we are going to do some exercises with the alphabet and if we have time, play a game. Your HOMEWORK is to do the lessons in the Workbook as we finish them in the Text Book.

Tuesday, July 12th: We are going to continue with the alphabet doing exercises D and E on page 8. Then we are going to see exercise F: Grammar - common and propper nouns. We will finish doing exercises G, H, and the Conversation. HOMEWORK: Continue working in the Workbook.

Wednesday, July 13th: You are going to watch a video and answer some questions about it. It's fun! Finish your homework. We will correct the workbook on Monday.

Thursday, July 14th: Lab day!

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Week of July 4 - 7 2011

Hello, Students!

This is the plan for this week:

Monday, July 4th: Today we are going to see the Unit 1 Goals, then Ex A: Introduce yourself reading and listening to the model, B: Practice rhythm and intonation and make up a conversation in pairs. Pg. 1 You are going to brainstorm greetings and farewells and listen to conversation on pgs. 2 & 3. For homework, you are going to upload the vocabulary words and the conversation you had with your partner.

Tuesday, July 5th: We are going to start Unit 1 reading the goals. (Pg. 4) Then we are going to see Ex A: Vocabulary and check meaning, pronunciation, and usage. Ex. B: You are going to liste for the vocabulary and then play Charades! For homework, you are going to upload a pictionary of the vocabulary words you learned.

Wednesday, July 6th: Ex. C: Today we are going to study grammar (pg. 4) using the verb be and checking the difference between a & an. You are goiong to do exercises D & E pg. 5 and the conversation in front of the class. For homework, you will do Lesson 1 in the Workbook.

Thursday, July 7th: Lab day!

Have a wonderful week!!!