Monday, July 4, 2011

Week of July 4 - 7 2011

Hello, Students!

This is the plan for this week:

Monday, July 4th: Today we are going to see the Unit 1 Goals, then Ex A: Introduce yourself reading and listening to the model, B: Practice rhythm and intonation and make up a conversation in pairs. Pg. 1 You are going to brainstorm greetings and farewells and listen to conversation on pgs. 2 & 3. For homework, you are going to upload the vocabulary words and the conversation you had with your partner.

Tuesday, July 5th: We are going to start Unit 1 reading the goals. (Pg. 4) Then we are going to see Ex A: Vocabulary and check meaning, pronunciation, and usage. Ex. B: You are going to liste for the vocabulary and then play Charades! For homework, you are going to upload a pictionary of the vocabulary words you learned.

Wednesday, July 6th: Ex. C: Today we are going to study grammar (pg. 4) using the verb be and checking the difference between a & an. You are goiong to do exercises D & E pg. 5 and the conversation in front of the class. For homework, you will do Lesson 1 in the Workbook.

Thursday, July 7th: Lab day!

Have a wonderful week!!!

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